Katrina Gooch - Credit Controller

Paul Smith
July 16, 2024

Reacton is pleased to welcome Katrina Gooch to the team as a Credit Controller.

What is your role at Reacton?

My role at Reacton is Credit Controller

What is your favourite part of the job so far?

Seeing payments go into the bank and getting to speak with our customers, having only been here for 2 weeks it's also really nice to have such supportive colleagues.

Can you explain Reacton in three words? 

Friendly, Professional, Innovative

What's the most unusual thing in your desk drawer?

I'm really sorry to say there's nothing unusual in there.

What is something that people don't know about you? 

After 14 years I am trying to learn to knit again. My youngest son is super impressed with the scarf he now has despite the holes where I have dropped stitches!!

What’s your food heaven and hell?

My food heaven is a great roast dinner and my food hell are Bell Peppers because I'm allergic to them.

When you were younger, what did you want to be?

A Hairdresser

What is your favorite emoji?


For more information on Reacton Fire Suppression products, please get in touch with the team by emailing info@reactonfire.com or call us on + 44 (0)800 0306526.

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